Know Your Worth!

A friend of mine was dating a guy who disagreed that her decision to abstain from sex until marriage was biblical. He was totally against the idea that at 35, she could change her mind regarding previous dating practices. This is specifically how he put it, “What you mean you don’t have sex? You’re divorced with 2 kids! You’re more like the woman at the well”; (scriptural reference John 4). LOL!! Yes, true story. It’s humorous but the reality is that you teach people how to treat you based on what you’ll accept. Thankfully, because she knows her worth, she boldly denied his attempts to turn her treasure into trash, making her his dumping ground.

Hollywood has their Ideals, Mainstream media has their picks, social media has it’s “likes”. But what do you hear; coming from the reflection staring back at you?  As you view yourself through the Word of GOD, who do you see? Not so much as pretty or cute, tall or short, dark or light, loved or left. Do you see a Woman of Worth?

I recently read a post where women were stating what they desire in a mate. Most focused on that of the exterior features or qualities. All of that is necessary but the question that we should really ask is, “What can I bring to the table”? May I pose a scenario that most don’t? Here it goes: If you yourself don’t have anything of substance to offer, you will most likely take whomever or whatever you can get. You’ll give away each piece of your value, every ounce of your worth; all in search of someone who will stay around long enough to validate you. Looking for that Knight in shining armor? But why settle for a Knight when you can have a SAVIOR who bled, died and is Risen?

Hear me; substance does Not equate to how pretty, fine, smart, wealthy or successful you are but rather do you have the characteristics of a suitable mate/helpmeet? Not based on what “they” say but based on the work you’ve allowed GOD to do on the inside of you.

FACT: Successful people like Successful people. I want to propose that the reason some women “settle” is because they do not believe their value or worth. Therefore, instead of us focusing so much on what we want our ideal mate to be to us, let’s look at how we measure up.

Here’s a hypothetical; If GOD were to present to you at this very moment the Man of your Dreams; would you be his worst nightmare? I say that to say, God is not going to bless you and curse him. Let’s change our prayer from “LORD send me a husband“ to “LORD, prepare me to be a wife”.

Once you know who you are and whose you are, you’ll no longer entertain any and everything buzzing around you for your time and attention. It can be difficult but once you allow the Gardner to prune and the Potter to shape/ mold you, you won’t be so quick to allow someone else to assess your value. When you KNOW that you are worth the Effort, you will demand the time, respect, attention and courtship that a Daughter of the KING deserves! We can’t complain about how bad men are and hopeless dating is if we accept whatever they’re serving! * Stay with me*; that doesn’t mean that he is cursing you out, beating on you or dogging you. It’s the smaller foxes that chip away at our confidence and have us trying to measure up or conform. All in All, GOD has a plan for our lives, including a mate. If we truly believe that, where is our Worth?

Only a small portion of the Worth I’ve gained while on this journey with my Savior

  • Because I love GOD, it is not my duty but rather My Honor to walk in a way pleasing to HIM.
  • Because I Trust HIM, I grant HIM as LORD over my life
  • Because I am in the world but not of the world, I no longer settle for the limitations placed on me by a fallen and perverse generation.
  • Because I am in the world but not of the world, I have an eternal perspective. I rise to the occasion to submit to, support and encourage my GOD ordained husband.
  • Because I know my worth, I will not allow the world to pervert my purpose as a Helpmeet by convincing me it’s okay to be a Harlot!
  • Because I know my worth, I know that I bring BLESSING and FAVOR to the man who finds me (Prov 18:22)
  • Because I know my worth, I’m not offended when men reject me based on my walk. Nice things are rejected all the time by people who cannot afford them and every man cannot afford me!
  • Because I know my worth, I know that I am handpicked and set apart with Purpose (John 15:59)


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6 thoughts on “Know Your Worth!

  1. Debra says:

    This is just the second post and I’m hooked. 🎣…knowing your worth is pivotal in sustaining good, healthy relationships. This was just confirmation of some things for me. Thank you for such an amazing post to empower, inspire and encourage Women to be the best they can be in order to choose the best relationships for them. Patiently waiting for your next post…💻

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Bless GOD! Thing is, I had something different written and HE was like, “NO”. HE went in a totally opposite direction and I love it. Now I can agree pastors who say they are rebuked by their own message. This isn’t just for the readers, it’s for me too!! 😉


  2. anngell80 says:

    This is so phenomenal! I love the part about the small foxes and instead asking for a husband , to ask God to prepare me to be a wife. Well said from beginning to end!

    Liked by 1 person

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